
MSZ-IIP System

Municipal Management System – a node of Infrastructure for Spatial Information, supports processes of urban space managing by using geodata warehouses. MSZ-IIP system is a platform for integrating source systems (so-called back-office solutions) and a platform for social participation (front-office solutions).

European Union requires creating European Infrastructure for Spatial Information (Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)) on all levels of administration.

Since April 2010 the act about Spatial Information Infrastructure has applied, which, in compliance with European law, introduces GIS solutions in Polish Public Administration. MSZ-IIP system answers to those requirements on the level of local government administration.

Main system qualities are:

Creating a node of infrastructure for spatial information

in accordance with INSPIRE Directives requirements, as a system that allows for a mutual exchange and access to geospatial information within the local government units and government administration or academic entities, as well as automation of selected processes connected to contact with clients – citizens, economic or academic entities etc.

Creating domain-specific system services with internal character

that supports operating City specific public tasks (such as: keeping and running cases concerning Local Spatial Development Plans and Study, registers connected with Environment Protection, Commune/District/State Assets Register, keeping registers of building permits, architect and building applications and decisions, module for Citizen Cases and much more) as well as widely accessible, with the help of a browser, geo web portals (such as a portal for citizen service, portal for investors, portal for sport and tourism and others).

Organising and coordinating information collections

based on location factor – integrating description of events and objects with location in geographic urban space, and providing tools for data visualization, its analysis, interpretation, and as a result, better understanding.

Division of system users into two categories:

  • Internal users: workers of City Council, workers of City organisational units etc, who have access to full range of functionality and system data (back office)
  • External users: economic, academic, educational, social institutions, citizens, who use system elements that are available without limitations (front office)


Delivering integrated geospatial data

including system possibilities to share, exchange, update and analyse it on individual workstations, which helps to increase productivity and effectiveness as well as quality of made decisions based on reliable and actual data.

Integrating referential systems of geospatial databases

with other important, from the point of customer needs view, collections in order to adapt easily to changes in the requirements.

Reduction updating and data processing costs

Improving contact with clients,

residents, citizens.

Improving processes of public tasks realization

by expanding the range of services available in electronic form.


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