Ensuring continuity of energy supply – implementation the Sygnity Forecast system in Stredoslovenská Energetika
Due to a transformation of the energy sector in the European Union, the priority is both to reduce environmental pollution (e.g. increasing RES-E) and ensuring continuity of energy supply.
read moreDigitisation of document archive – we support digital transformation of the Białystok Water & Sewage company
Digitisation of almost 2 million pages of documentation, shortening the time of access to documents from several hours to several minutes, as well as the analysis...
read moreHow to effectively manage network infrastructure in a heating company. Successful implementation in OPEC Gdynia
The core business of OPEC Gdynia is the production, distribution and delivery of heat energy as well as the generation of electricity in the process of cogeneration.
read moreDigital transformationfor businessand public administration
For the last 30 years we have been designing, implementing and maintaining the technology that supports business in digital transformation and forms a foundation for digital government

Our focus areas
Software production, implementation
and maintenance
IT consultancy
IT infrastructures
Infrastructure and applications
Software auditing and testing
IT outsourcing

SWIFT partnership

Billon and Sygnity will work together on solutions using blockchain

Bidirectional conversion of SWIFT MT and MX messages
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