
The income from fees and commissions is one of key positions in banking balance. A possibility to analyse and manage prices right away is an important tool for shaping banking activities.

Sygnity S.A., taking into account the growing need of banks for efficient management of price lists of fees and commissions, creating promotions tailored to market needs and detailed analysis of product profitability, has created a new solution – FlexiFee system.

Business benefits for banks

Current fees and commissions managing

Easy management of pricing policies

Complex charging of fees and commissions

Monitoring and planning of incomes

Analysing and forecasting incomes

Flexible definition of time and promotion conditions

Analysis of product profitability

Short implementation time of new price offer

Strengthening relations with clients by profiling offers

An important element in bank’s activities is not only acquiring new clients, but effective support of the existing ones. System allows to flexibly define price offers for both new and current clients.


Billing system FlexiFee allows to flexibly and effectively define standard and dedicated price offers. Among a number of available options, the most important are:

Flexible configuration of price offers with complex algorithms by using attributes of different types.

Using segmentation of clients in maintained by the Bank defined transaction systems or defining segmentation in FlexiFee system.

Integration with transaction systems.

Flexible generation of statements and billings.


Serves for Calculating and initiating fees and commission charges for products and services

based on parameterization made in FlexiFee system (activation, subscription, transaction, ad-hoc)

Allows to personalize the offer

for clients with different attributes

Supports business

in analysis and predicting product and service profitability (forecasting).

System implementation

Easy parametrization


Easy integration

A possibility of stage implementation

for chosen product lines and gradual expansion of implementation field

FlexiFee supports the analysis of current information about Bank’s incomes and gives a possibility to share with the clients, by electronic channels, a presentation of personalized table of fees and commissions.


Sygnity S.A.

Office Building Adgar Plaza B

Postępu 17B
02-676 Warszawa
NIP: 586 000 52 93

phone (+48 22) 290 88 00
fax (+48 22) 290 88 01


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