Integration of smart machinery, systems and introducing changes in production processes.
A solution is directed to increasing efficient generation. Solution for Industry 4.0 includes not only the area of technology, but also areas of new work types and the role of people in providing information to systems.
Reducing production costs
by implementing optimization projects for products and deliveries.
Increasing security level
for industry IOT systems.
Access to a big amount of different data
with a possibility to analyse it using artificial intelligence
Cost optimization
by digitalization of processes that allows to transfer a big number of processes to the work of virtual reality.
Access to various services
granted in the data cloud environment.
Sygnity Offer in the area of solutions that support Industry 4.0 is based on three essential pillars:
- Internet of Things (IOT)
Allows to communicate with devices and products thanks to equipment with intelligent sensors and software that allows to gather, process and transfer data in real time.
- Internet of Things (IOT)
- Big Data
Analysis of very big volumes of data. Allows to detect complicated dependencies, which allows to optimize the production process.
- Big Data
- Data cloud
System that allows to safely manage data from any device. Processes can take place remotely.
- Data cloud
Internet of Things (IoT)
- Creating and adjusting IOT devices to product processes
- Integration of the Internet and smart devices
- Tracking the course of processes (in detail)
- Safety in IoT
- Monitoring and smart process control
- Digital aggregators
- Industry communication IoT
Big Data
- Data Quality Management
- Data discovery (access to data)
- Artificial Intelligence (connecting artificial intelligence with autonomous things)
- Predictive and prescriptive analytic tools
- Connected clouds
- Data management
- Data security
- Cooperating Business Intelligence
- Data-driven business
- Mobile Business Intelligence
- Data from IoT systems
Data cloud
- A type of service of SaaS as the most popular trend
- Trend IoE Internet of Everything (communication between IOT and a human)
- Key direction realizing security questions
- Cloud on the way to modernization
- Integration with social media
- A new dimension for personalization
- Better data processing
- Edge computing (introducing 5G)
- SD-WAN technology (introducing private networks on the Internet)
- Death of company data centres
- Connection of counts
- Solution supported by Blockchain.

Sygnity S.A.
Office Building Adgar Plaza B
Postępu 17B
02-676 Warszawa
NIP: 586 000 52 93
phone (+48 22) 290 88 00
fax (+48 22) 290 88 01
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Contact us.