Sygnity Forecast Solution
Sygnity Forecast Solution is an IT tool that uses historical data, meteorological data and auxiliary variable, generating media forecast (energy, gas, heat). Realizes this task by using automatic models of ARIMA class and neural networks. Sygnity Forecast System supports also users with generating expert forecasts.
Solution is addressed to the retailers and recipients of energy, wind farms, producers of electricity and heat, DNO Electricity, DNO Gas.
Sygnity Forecast System allows a company to achieve substantial savings by delivering accurate forecasts for energy needs and production. It supports users in realization of key business processes, such as:
Current monitoring of energy needs and production
Optimization of energy costs
Defining commercial position
Monitoring a level of security for concluded agreements
Key characteristics of the solution:
- Preparing forecasts in different time horizons
- Storing information about concluded agreements and contracts
- Storing and analysing historical data
- Reporting and visualizing data stored in the system
- Automated forecasting process
- Supporting the process of expert forecasting
System stores historical data in any time horizon, automates the process of current data collection and recording as well as exporting to external systems. Operates a lot of sources, among others: FRP, PWI, PSE pages, TGE pages, other www pages and file formats such as txt, xls, XML.
By preparing a forecast, Solution allows to switch between the modes: daily, monthly and yearly and to compare the results from different modes.
Allows to generate automated and expert forecasting, allows to use different statistic models depending on forecasting horizon. Presents data with accuracy to the chosen aggregation grain (hour, day, month, year) and corrects the proceeding of forecasting on bank holidays and days close to holidays.
System has a built-in ARIMA model, neural networks, linear regression and others as well as allows to create own forecasting models by using R language.
Operating concluded contracts includes keeping records of counterparties, information about concluded contracts, monitoring security level of demand/production in concluded contracts, archiving the complete history and documentation concerning clients in one place.
Analysing, reporting and visualizing data stored in the system informing about the state of meter data, presents distribution of model’s errors, visualizes results of forecasting models, calculates deviations and errors made by forecasting models.
System allows to have an ongoing control thanks to the statistic summaries (min, max, average, sum, MAPE, DAPE, RMS, deviation) and supports creating own templates for reports.

Sygnity S.A.
Office Building Adgar Plaza B
Postępu 17B
02-676 Warszawa
NIP: 586 000 52 93
phone (+48 22) 290 88 00
fax (+48 22) 290 88 01
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