Solution for energy producers
Solution for energy producers who take part in operational cooperation with Transmission System Operator (TSO) (SOWE_EL)
Sygnity SOWE_EL Solution is an essential element of technical infrastructure that supports realisation of planning stages in accordance to the regulations of Polish electricity market and registration of real movement activities of Centrally Disposed Generating Units
SOWE_EL System by supporting the realization of key processes, increases the safety and correctness of their realization, changing the quality of business:
Preparing correct documents that are sent to TSO
Operating document exchange with TSO:
- taking into account planned changes of Centrally Disposed Generating Units disposition
- operational planning and movement conducting
- reporting and registering of movement events Centrally Disposed Generating Units
- reporting the program of Generating Unit wind works
Analysing and reporting data stored in the system
Key advantages of the solution:
- Comprehensive document exchange with TSO
- User’s interface that is friendly and adjusted to the needs of the client
- Implemented in the newest technology
- Obtained a certificate of compliance with the newest version of standards of SOWE system accepted by TSO
A possibility to share data from SOWE_EL system to other systems. In already realised implementations of SOWE_EL system data sharing about the Current Work Points from the Current Daily Coordination Plan acquired from TSO. Data is shared by the dedicated database perspectives to the system of work control of specific blocks in power stations.
In the area of preparing correct documents sent to TSO, system has an extended procedure for verification of sent documents, minimizing this way the risk of sending to TSO incorrect document (formal and methodical verification) and signals inconsistencies in the documents.
In the area of document exchange with TSO, system visualizes operating sent and/or received from TSO documents (Documents panel), ensures secure data transferring, monitors acquiring new documents and informs about the fact all users of the application.
System allows for automation of operating the process of document exchange with TSO (automatic tasks) and informs the user about eventual problems with communication (online information about the state of connection to TSO, system logs, information about the state of realized automatic tasks).
In the area of analysing stored data system visualizes diagrams of the state of generation units, compares current state of Centrally Disposed Generating Units registered in SOWE with the state from Current Daily Coordination plan, archives documents that are sent or received from TSO in XML format (archive available on www), reports data registered in the system, presents in a form of graphs data about the work points from the Current Daily Coordination Plan.

Sygnity S.A.
Office Building Adgar Plaza B
Postępu 17B
02-676 Warszawa
NIP: 586 000 52 93
phone (+48 22) 290 88 00
fax (+48 22) 290 88 01
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