Managing technical processes of recipients connected to the grid
TSS (Technical Service System) System for Technical Service of Recipients supports managing technical processes of recipients connected to the grid. The basic processes include legalization, exchange, control of metering devices, managing complaints and technical reports from recipients.
System allows to operate and assign on a massive scale technical service tasks for devices exchange in the grid as a result of, for example, legalization process, change to a device with remote communication. It allows also to define the time of departure for the technicians and to monitor the effectiveness of their work.
TSS works together with MDMS system (Metering Devices Management System – System for Managing Metering Devices) and is an extension of functionality field used in billing systems.
Increasing the quality of technical service of recipients
A possibility to include a high corporation standardization
in the field of technical service of recipients
A possibility to monitor time
of process realization and its specific steps
Increasing operational effectiveness
and identifying grid intervention
Improving work organization
in documents flow and teamwork with the documents in the technical service processes
Access to information
stored in the system in different places without the need to install specialized software
As a result of work with MDMS application
system ensures increase of operational and organizational effectiveness
TSS works with the solutions from the product offer of Sygnity, but it can also be used as a separate module – powered by required for process realisation data from the systems by other suppliers.
operating technical service tasks
(assigning and operating tasks in order to exchange metering devices on the grid)
technical control service
(managing tasks for technical control with the purpose of verification illegal consumption, in the case of finding illegal consumption – a possibility of invoicing)
managing illegal consumption of electricity
(registering cases of illegal electricity consumption)
massive assignment of tasks
(assigning, among others, tasks for legalization, installation, disassembly, mass exchange considering the localization, client, installation date on the grid, a type of the device)
accounting technicians
(recording assembling activities, reporting effectiveness of technicians’ work)
allocating work to technicians considering schedules
(allocating different schedules with the division into the type of the task, allocating work to technicians based on a work schedule)
(realization report / reports of prepared technical service documents; reports from technical control service; reports from completed works on the grid and effectiveness of their realization; reports from finished vindication tasks; reports of completed legalization changes)
assigning work tasks for data sent by the interface from external systems
(assigning work tasks, task reprocessing, sending final information to the external system about the report completion)
sending configuration to external systems
(sending passport of electricity supply point, information about installation and disassembling of metering devices to an external system – AMI; sending completed tasks to Landis system)
sending information to the recipient
via e-mail, e-bok, the last invoice about the planned realization of legalized exchange

Sygnity S.A.
Office Building Adgar Plaza B
Postępu 17B
02-676 Warszawa
NIP: 586 000 52 93
phone (+48 22) 290 88 00
fax (+48 22) 290 88 01
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