Energy Losses Management System (ELMS)
ELMS System is a tool that helps DNO (Distribution Network Operators) to plan actual energy reporting for JGBI (Balancing Graphic Units) and calculate technical and distributional losses of energy in specific balancing areas.
- planned and actual balance difference in energy in accordance with current business conditions
- technical losses in the elements of distribution grid that emerge in the process of energy distribution by grids of all voltages
- losses of distributional (commercial) energy for the whole field of DNO activities as well as for individual balancing fields,
- hourly value of energy consumption for recipients measured with meters that have not yet registered those values, based on
- standard consumption profiles,
- area profiles,
- dynamic profiles.
ELMS system ensures DNO tangible benefits by:
Identifying elements of distribution system
that are the main technical sources of energy loss in the grid
Detecting areas
where balancing differences and energy losses that exceed the norm are caused, for example, by cases of illegal energy consumption or electricity meter damage
Cost limitations
of OSD part in Balance Market and JGBI operation
Configuration of grid models:
- managing technical parameters of the grid,
- managing technical parameters of the transformers
Managing objects powered by measurements:
- configuration of objects powered by measurements,
- configuration of balance structure,
- keeping records of monthly as well as daily and hourly actual energy, planned and predicted,
- keeping records of objects in balancing structures,
- setting the value for algorithmic objects,
- energy planning based on actual data,
- import data from external system (measuring systems, balancing systems, SCADA, GIS),
Determining the balancing difference, technical and distributional losses:
- defining analysis algorithms,
- determining value of algorithmic objects,
- keeping record of defined algorithmic values,
Audit of outcoming values in the system:
- verification of planned and predicted energy based on actual performance,
- verification of achieved level of balancing level,
- analysing value of balancing objects,
- analysing density of balancing objects,
- reports and analytic diagrams.

Sygnity S.A.
Office Building Adgar Plaza B
Postępu 17B
02-676 Warszawa
NIP: 586 000 52 93
phone (+48 22) 290 88 00
fax (+48 22) 290 88 01
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