Solution dedicated to managing network assets in the gas sector.
Sonet/JARC system for Gas industry allows to build and have at a disposal own (independent), central (standardized), reliable database (information) about Technical Asset, including the network and network objects models, together with the wide range of processing data, which allows for common use of database about Technical Asset in the main business processes of the company.
System has a modular structure, directed towards operating the most important business processes.
Apart from data records functionality (keeping current updated data about the network and network objects), the main system modules include the following processes:
Connection process
connection module
Investment and repairing processes
module Planning and realization of investments and repairments
Exploitation processes
exploitation module (together with managing team field work and operating functionality on mobile devices)
Analysis and simulation
module Gas Network simulation and calculation
Managing devices
module Managing gas devices
Property operating processes
module Managing assets value
Document workflow and repository management
generated as specific processes – module DocuMan
Thanks to using original tools of Sygnity Company applications (application platform SONE/JARC), system is characterized by full openness to expansion (in the range of modules, additional modules), reconfiguration and integration.
System can integrate with other systems that support activities of a company:
EPR – (for example SAP)
Meter data
Fleet managing
Managing warehouses
As a part of integration with SAP, system can be configured in such a way as to share with SAP the course of key business processes of managing network assets (Connection, Exploitation, Investments and Repairments), collecting from SAP description data, and storing space data and sending to SAP connected information.
Using SONET/JARC platform allows to start modules and functionality in desktop as well as web environments.
Application platform uses Oracle database but is technologically open for MS SQL Server and PostgrSQL databases. In the area of functionality of map presentation, works together with ESRI ArcGIS Enterprise (ArcGIS Server), Oracle MapViewer and GeoServer.
System is open for working with Open Street Map in the area of maps presentation as well search for objects and addresses, works also with external OGC services (np. WMS,WFS that are provided by Geo-portal GUGiK and county nodes of infrastructure of space information), presenting their maps and data as well as allowing to search for object in WFS service.
Coherent, interdisciplinary and available for a lot of users information database about the network assets
High quality data guaranteed
Verified inventory and maintenance procedures
Increasing effectiveness of network assets managing
Automation and centralization of supporting selected processes
Open for integration with different IT environment

Sygnity S.A.
Office Building Adgar Plaza B
Postępu 17B
02-676 Warszawa
NIP: 586 000 52 93
phone (+48 22) 290 88 00
fax (+48 22) 290 88 01
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Contact us.