Supporting organizational units of social care
POMOST Std System is an IT system dedicated to organizational units of social care which supports them in realization of tasks of districts and municipals, resulting from the act on social care and accompanying legal acts. The system (its dedicated modules) supports as well in task realization that result from legislation about supporting families and foster. The WywiadPlus module is integrated with POMOST Std system for electronic environmental/local interviews.
WywiadPlus: Making and updating environmental/local interviews
in the place where it takes place
WywiadPlus: A possibility to register social work
by a worker during a local visit
Supporting the process of issuing decision
in the field of granting benefits
Supports automation of statistical reporting
The main tasks of POMOST Std software is to support the decision-making process in the institution and the process of realization of resulting from the decision benefits. POMOST Std is the most frequently used system in Poland for handling social care tasks.
System of reports that allows to control planned and paid/realized benefits and other key information to the workers of an institution
Built-in hints for the amounts of benefits based on the data previously recorded in a form of environmental/local interview
Generating list of money benefits payments with an option of bank transfers, post transfers, supplying pre-paid cards and billing documents for PAYER
Tools for accounting non-monetary benefits together with the option of electronical data exchange with a real contractor who realizes benefits
Certificate of compliance with the System Description for social care on the level of districts and municipals
Cooperation with CSIZS (Central Social Security Information System)
Cooperation with Mobile Terminal for carrying out interviews

Sygnity S.A.
Office Building Adgar Plaza B
Postępu 17B
02-676 Warszawa
NIP: 586 000 52 93
phone (+48 22) 290 88 00
fax (+48 22) 290 88 01
e-mail: biuro@sygnity.pl
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